Admission Performa

Admission to the school is open to all boys and girls irrespective of class, creed or community.

Parents who wish to register their children for admission must fill out the registration form and register the child as early as possible on payment of registration fee. The registration of a student does not guarantee admission, which will depend on the student being found suitable for the class after an entrance test and a personal interview along with the parents of the student. In all matters about admission, the decision of the principal will be final and binding.

Admission will be considered on production of the following documents:

Birth Certificate in original.

Transfer Certificate from the last school attended.

Latest progress certificate of the student.

Minimum age for eligibility for admission to Nursery class is 3(three) years.


Should a parent decide against sending his son/daughter/ward to the school after taking admission and paying the dues, he will be entitled to a refund of only the caution money and will be liable to pay one month’s school fee. Incase a student is to be withdrawn during the term; a minimum of 30 days’ notice is required by the school, in writing. Otherwise fee for the notice period will be deducted. The Principal may at any time, without assigning any reason, require a parent to withdraw his son/daughter/ward from the school if it is considered in the interest of the school.

Admissions Form